Chico Unified Board votes to reopen schools

Video Credit: KHSL
Published on October 10, 2020 -

Chico Unified Board votes to reopen schools

Board members from Chico Unified voted to approve in-person instruction beginning on October 19th for its elementary and secondary schools.

Chico Unified Board votes to reopen schools

In chico will be able to return to the classroom for in-person instruction in less than two weeks.

Action news now reporter kristian lopez is live at shasta elementary school in chico.

Kristian- what can parents expect?

It'll be a split schedule and students will only attend school for a few hours a day.

Half of the students will go in the morning - the other half in the afternoon.

The district is still working on the exact schedule.

Morning students will grab lunch after class - afternoon students will have lunch before class.

And there won't be any recess right now.

Assistant superintendent jay marchant (marshant) tells action news now they'll split the students up alphabetically.

We're asking parents to do temperature checks before bringing them to school and wellness check how are they feeling and if they don't feel well keep them home, when students come in we have sanitation stations and we will have them throughout the campus when they go in.

Students and teachers must wear masks at all times.

Marchant saysthe district says its trying to pair teachers who prefer distance learning with students who feel the same.

If butte county goes back to the purple tier and stays in it for two weeks the board will have to decide whether to continue with the split schedule or switch back to online only.

Parents who don't want to send their children back can continue with online learning at their child's school or sign them up for oak bridge academy.

Live in chico kristian lopez action news now coverage you can count on.

A recent survey shows that about 86-percent of chico families plan to send their children back to in-person classes.

The first day of in person learning is scheduled for october 19th.


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