The perilous journey across Mexico for migrants trying to reach the US - this is where it starts

Credit: Sky News- Published 1 week ago
As the sun rises over the Usumacinta River between Guatemala and Mexico, the silence is broken by the sounds of people awaking after another night camping on the riverbanks.

Video credit: AFP English
Published 1 week ago -  01:48
'Suffocating heat': Body of US-bound migrant recovered at Mexico border
In the desert of the northern Mexican state of Chihuahua, near the US border, migrants are risking their lives attempting the desert crossing to the United States in extreme temperatures. After the body of a migrant was recovered by Mexican civil protection officials, authorities are cautioning migrants to avoid the perilous journey. At a Catholic church community kitchen for US-bound migrants Venezuelan Bilmari Karin recounts her journey: "It's a lot. A lot of suffocating heat, there's the sand, you go through a lot of things in the desert."

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