Kremlin dismisses report Russia behind 'Havana Syndrome'

Credit: IndiaTimes- Published on April 1, 2024
The Kremlin has denied a report linking Russian military intelligence to the "Havana syndrome" illness affecting US diplomats and spies worldwide. Insider, a media group in Riga, Latvia, revealed that a Russian military unit, known as 29155, was reportedly present during health incidents involving Americans. The year-long...

Video credit: Veuer
Published on April 1, 2024 -  01:19
The Kremlin Has Now Responded to Reports Suggesting Russia Was Behind ‘Havana Syndrome’ Illness
Back in 2016 U.S. officials and diplomats in Havana Cuba began to report strange symptoms including seemingly simultaneously. It was considered an “anomalous health incident” with symptoms including pain, ringing in the ears and cognitive dysfunction. Russia has now been blamed after a recent investigation and they have now responded. Veuer’s Tony Spitz has the details.

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