Biden: Netanyahu not opposed to all two-state solutions

Credit: IndiaTimes- Published on January 20, 2024
US President Joe Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held their first direct communication in nearly a month, discussing Israel's military actions in Gaza and pathways to a Palestinian state. The leaders have differing views on Palestinian statehood, with Netanyahu opposing any compromise on Israel's security. The...

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Published on January 21, 2024 -  04:11
Netanyahu Spars With Biden Over Post-war Gaza; Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty, Leaves U.S Red-faced
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu has once again left U.S. President Joe Biden. After a phone call with Netanyahu on Friday, Biden said that the Israeli PM may be ready to the possibility of a Palestinian state post the war. However, Netanyahu rebuffed his claims with a statement. Netanyahu said that he told Biden that he rejects Palestinian sovereignty in Gaza.

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