Netanyahu hints at new Hamas talks after hostage deaths

Credit: IndiaTimes- Published on December 16, 2023
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to confirm on Saturday that new Qatar-mediated negotiations were underway to recover hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, after a source said Israel's lead negotiator met Qatar's prime minister.Netanyahu sidestepped a question at a news conference about a meeting on Friday in Europe...

Video credit: Rumble
Published on December 18, 2023 -  03:13
Hamas' Snub To Israel As Pressure Mounts On Netanyahu; 'No Hostage Talks Until Attacks.
Hamas has refused to negotiate with Israel - through mediators - for the release of remaining hostages in Gaza, saying there would be no talks until Israeli attacks on the besieged Palestinian territory stop. This as pressure mounts on Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu within Israel for the release of hostages, particularly in the wake of killing of three captives by Israeli military. Watch the video for more

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