Hong Kong holds first council elections under new rules that shut out pro-democracy candidates

Credit: IndiaTimes- Published on December 10, 2023
Residents in Hong Kong went to the polls for the district council elections, the first since an electoral overhaul under Beijing's guidance that effectively excluded pro-democracy candidates. The turnout is expected to be lower due to rule changes, including the elimination of directly elected seats. This election will serve as a...

Video credit: AFP English
Published on December 13, 2023 -  00:34
China blasts UK's 'malicious intentions' after Cameron meets Hong Kong dissident
China accuses Britain of having "malicious intentions" towards Hong Kong after British Foreign Secretary David Cameron met with the son of jailed pro-democracy publisher Jimmy Lai. "UK recently introduced a national security law, but it blatantly opposes national security legislation for China's Hong Kong. Its double standards and malicious intentions are clearly exposed," says Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning.

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