After two weeks of siege, aid starts moving into Gaza Strip

Credit: IndiaTimes- Published on October 21, 2023
The Rafah border crossing between Egypt and Gaza opened briefly to allow aid into the besieged Palestinian territory, but the amount of aid received was insufficient to address the humanitarian crisis. Israel continued its airstrikes on Gaza, with plans to escalate the attacks. Gaza's hospitals are running low on supplies and...

Video credit: Rumble
Published on October 19, 2023 -  01:40
Gaza Hospital Tragedy: International Reactions and Ongoing Conflicts
In the midst of the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a tragic incident unfolds at the Ahli Arab hospital, resulting in the deaths of over 470 Palestinians. As accusations and conflicting narratives surround the hospital bombing, Arab and Muslim nations squarely blame Israel, while the U.S. President Joe Biden expresses continued support for Israel, endorsing its claim that the explosion resulted from an errant rocket fired by a Gaza-based terrorist group. This incident disrupts Biden's Middle East trip and prompts Jordan to cancel a planned summit. While Israel conditionsally allows aid for Gaza through Egypt, it continues its air strikes in the region. The United Nations faces challenges passing a resolution for humanitarian pauses, emphasizing the complexities of diplomacy and the impact on civilians. The description provides an overview of a tumultuous situation characterized by tragedy, political tension, and international responses.

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