Bible Mandated in Oklahoma Schools by Superintendent Ryan Walters

Video Credit: FanReviews
Published 4 days ago - Duration: 00:53s

Bible Mandated in Oklahoma Schools by Superintendent Ryan Walters

We have some breaking news coming out of Oklahoma.

The state's Superintendent of Public Instruction, Ryan Walters, has just issued an order that mandates schools in Oklahoma to teach the Bible.

According to the memo sent by Superintendent Walters to all school districts, the Bible is to be incorporated into the curriculum for grades five through 12.

In addition, every classroom must have a copy of the Bible.

The memo states that the Bible and the Ten Commandments should be referenced in order to highlight their significant influence on the nation's founders and the principles of the Constitution.

The memo also emphasizes that immediate and strict compliance is expected from all schools.

It remains to be seen how it will impact education in Oklahoma and the wider debate surrounding the separation of church and state.

Stay tuned for more updates on this breaking story, on Fan Reviews News.

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