Heart of an Oak Movie
Heart of an Oak Movie
Heart of an Oak Movie Trailer HD - Discover the untold stories of the forest in a spectacular new wildlife adventure - Plot synopsis: This poetic and beautiful documentary follows a year in the life of a majestic, 210-year-old oak tree and its many inhabitants, exploring the immensely rich universe thriving beneath its branches.
Featuring a unique cast including squirrels, birds, ants and mice, and packed with humour, joy and heart-in-your-mouth action, this remarkably unique feature offers a fascinating insight into the heart of a buzzing, vibrant, eco-system.
Commenting on the film, directors Laurent Charbonnier & Michel Seydoux said; โConsidered the king of trees, the oak symbolizes power and durability: it is the largest and most majestic tree of our forests in the Northern Hemisphere.
For many, it is synonymous with hope in a life for future generations.
The stories in โHeart of an Oakโ illustrate a spectacle of savage beauty, in a unique reading of the secrets of our biodiversity.
More than a living plant, it is a habitat.
Our idea was to take a documentary subject and tell it with the narrative and technical know-how typical of fictional feature films, with the primary intention of showing audiences something they had never seen before.
Few live-action feature films have ever taken up the challenge of a complete immersion into the heart of a tree, without voice-over commentary.
Using the latest audiovisual technologies (including 360-degree virtual cameras, machinery and special effects), and cutting edge innovations that allowed us to approach the microscopic worlds and inner universe of living creatures, we have been able to completely immerse the viewer into the heart of a tree - telling stories that will both touch and surprise audiences, whether young or old, and irrespective of their ecological awareness."