Irradiating Mold From Weed in Maryland - Shortcuts to More Profit As opposed to Loss Of a crop...WOW

Video Credit: Rumble
Published 3 weeks ago -

Irradiating Mold From Weed in Maryland - Shortcuts to More Profit As opposed to Loss Of a crop...WOW

Peep this insanity.

So we have all heard of the companies using PGRs and growth hormones on their cannabis,.no surprises there as they're all about bottom dollar in whatever way necessary.

I mean the underhanded opening of the industry with people.charged with bribery we were heading.

So Allegedly, as per several ex employees and industry involved persons RN, whom didn't break any contracts by speaking with me, let me know VERANO and others are Irradiating their cannabis to get rid of the live mold or any other pests.

Anything their SPRAYERS MISS, the radiation will get.

Butnthis makes sense to me seriously bc I'm allergic to mold.spores.

I made myself not allergic to basically everything but mold.

And I couldn't handle.the pot hands on without breaking out Everytime.

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