The Late Gonzalo Lira – A Man In Every Sense Of The Word

Video Credit: Rumble
Published 3 weeks ago -

The Late Gonzalo Lira – A Man In Every Sense Of The Word

There are many common people that exist as a testimony of the greatest civilization and who stand for what is right and good There are however exemplary men and women that go the extra mile, who fight the good fight and who unfortunately die because of their beliefs and convictions.

Such a man was Gonzalo Lira, a hero in my eyes and in the eyes of many and an example for everyone.

Such men other men follow into battle and win wars and all sort of skirmishes because they ride on the coattails of heros.

Tonight we will look at the life and the battles of Gonzalo Lira and it is my hope that as a memoriam to him, many of us will venture out to battle our enemies and to fight for what is right and good.

The show will start Saturday at 5PM Pacific on Opposing The Matrix, live on Rumble and Twitch.

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