Tavistock & Esalen Pave The Way For Transhumanist Evolutionary Leaders | Courtenay's Radio Hour

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on May 7, 2024 -

Tavistock & Esalen Pave The Way For Transhumanist Evolutionary Leaders | Courtenay's Radio Hour

Courtenay continues to dive into the theosophical roots of the major NGOs media personalities and cult religions aiming to push us all into a OWG under a OWR.

The social scientists and think tanks like Tavistock have laid the groundwork to socially engineer the masses towards the most recent iteration of the “New Age” thought more recently described by many of the self avowed cult leaders as “New Thought” which is steering us toward a transhumanist- potentially posthuman world run by the UN 100 AIWS.

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