BETRAYAL: Starmer shafts workers on International Workers Day.

Video Credit: Rumble
Published 2 weeks ago - Duration: 09:00s

BETRAYAL: Starmer shafts workers on International Workers Day.

Right, so as people head to the polls today to vote for local councillors, metro mayors, police and crime commissioners and all the rest of it, Keir Starmer chose the day before, on International Workers Day at that, just to add insult to injury, to weaken Labour party policy on workers rights.

He appears to have such disdain for ordinary working people, such contempt for them, that he was prepared to choose that day of all days to send a message out that heโ€™s for the bosses and not for you and yet still thinks youโ€™ll vote for him anyway, just to get the Tories out.

Labour are no longer the people of the working class, made up overwhelmingly of faceless suits whoโ€™ve never had a real job in their lives and nothing quite dots the Iโ€™s and crosses the Tโ€™s on that than having a knight of the realm leading them.

Starmer has lied to you again, so I hope you thought long and hard before putting a cross next to a Labour candidates name in todayโ€™s local elections.

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