Former NBA Player Kwame Brown Confirms The Black Manosphere Was RIGHT

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on April 12, 2024 -

Former NBA Player Kwame Brown Confirms The Black Manosphere Was RIGHT

A former NBA star speaks out!

In the years since his departure and retirement from the National Basketball Association, Kwame Brown has found a second act as something of a social media personality.

His takes on the world of professional sports and some of its biggest names on the court and behind the keyboard and microphone, have garnered him a wide audience in a relatively short period of time.

But in a more recent broadcast, Brown weighs in on the much ballyhooed and supposed "gender war" between Black men and women online - and what he has to say comes as no big shock or surprise to anyone here in the Black Manosphere.

What am I talking about?

Tune in to check it out TODAY ONLY ON RUMBLE!

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