Rep. Lauren Boebert already campaigning after surgery! - April 3, 2024

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on April 4, 2024 - Duration: 04:37s

Rep. Lauren Boebert already campaigning after surgery! - April 3, 2024


#LaurenBoebert (R-CO03) has essentially been campaigning in TWO #Colorado districts at the same time, because Rep.

#KenBuck (R-CO04) retired in the middle of his term, basically screwing everybody โ€” his constituents who voted for him, the Republican Party that he left with a very narrow majority, and Rep.

Lauren Boebert, who's been driving across the State, criss-crossing thousands of miles of open territory to meet with voters at many various events and debatesโ€”and in doing so, almost put her life in danger.

No one, bar none, works harder for the people than Rep.

Lauren Boebert (I wish she were my Representative in Nevada.)

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