Why “Freedom Of Speech” Means Defending Conservative Judges AND Drag Shows w/ Greg Lukianoff & Warren Smith – Ask Dr.

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on March 26, 2024 -

Why “Freedom Of Speech” Means Defending Conservative Judges AND Drag Shows w/ Greg Lukianoff & Warren Smith – Ask Dr.

The right to free speech applies even when the speech is offensive to you, and true First Amendment defenders will protect the rights of those who don't agree with them – even if that means defending both conservative judges and drag shows.

••「 CALL IN & LINKS: https://drdrew.com/3262024 」•• The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression has written defenses of a range of cases, including conservative Judge Stuart Kyle Duncan whose Stanford event was disrupted by protestors, an art history instructor who lost his job after showing a medieval depiction of Muhammad, and a Texas college that canceled a charity drag show.

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