Video Credit: Rumble
Published on March 14, 2024 - Duration: 09:12s


The corruption is easy to prove with a simple spread-sheet but the corrupt Senators have done everything they can to keep you from seeing that spread-sheet.

If you saw the spread-sheet that shows all of the covert family bank accounts, fake trust funds, shell companies and stock market accounts for Dianne Feinstein, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, etc.; you can easily see how they only get a salary of $190K per year but put hundreds of millions of dollars in their accounts that all traces back to special interest groups that tell them what laws to make and what laws to stop from moving forward.

Forensic accountants at the GAO, FBI or SEC can pop out the latest update on any given day.

These Senators have "rules" that delay investigations against themselves, though.

Also, as we all saw from the Comey case: Corrupt Senators can even tell the head of the FBI who to NOT investigate!

The 2008 and 2021 "Stimulus Funds" were just scams cooked up by politicians for them to skim stock market pump-and-dump profits off of and grab personal payola.

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