(Sat, Feb 24 @ 9:30p CST/10:30p EST) Documentary: Death of A Nation 'Can We Save America A Second Time?'

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on February 25, 2024 -

(Sat, Feb 24 @ 9:30p CST/10:30p EST) Documentary: Death of A Nation 'Can We Save America A Second Time?'

Death of A Nation: Can We Save America A Second Time?

(2018) Not since 1860 have the Democrats so fanatically refused to accept a free election.

That year, their target was Lincoln.

Now, their target is President Trump and his supporters.

Through stunning historical recreations and a searching examination of fascism and white supremacy, Death of a Nation cuts through progressive lies to expose hidden history and explosive truths.

Lincoln united his party and saved America from the Democrats the first time.

Can Trumpโ€”and weโ€”come together and save America for the second time?

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