BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 2/12/2024 Election Infrastructure Crisis & Militia - Sheriff Dar Leaf

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on February 12, 2024 -

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 2/12/2024 Election Infrastructure Crisis & Militia - Sheriff Dar Leaf

9am Jeff Buongiorno is a cyber and data consultant who has worked in the IT field for over 30 years.

Jeff built a successful Cyber company that works with US Manufactures in implementing business process and computer systems to accommodate the processes.

Jeff accumulated over 100 IT certifications throughout his career and considers himself to be a jack of trade and Master of none.

He is currently running for US Congress FL District 21 for a second time.

Jeff has been an election reform activist since Nov 4th, 2020.

Today we'll discuss a National Crisis caused by vulnerabilities in our election infrastructure.

We will try to connect the dots between a vulnerable election infrastructure and the anomalies found in the data, some reaching the odds as far fected as one in 15 trillion.

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