City's 'Blueprint For A Safer Philadelphia' Recommends Hiring More Black Teachers, DEI Training

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on January 25, 2024 - Duration: 00:41s

City's 'Blueprint For A Safer Philadelphia' Recommends Hiring More Black Teachers, DEI Training

Philadelphia city leaders recently unveiled to applause their "Blueprint for a Safer Philadelphia," presented by council member Curtis Jones, Jr. Flipping through the report, we find that one of the building blocks for a safer Philadelphia is "Combating Institutional White Racism." The problem: The school-to-prison pipeline.

"Teachers in low-income districts are not equipped with the proper diversity, equity, or inclusion training to break the institutional racism." We were assured by President Joe Biden that poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.

The solution: "More teachers of color need to be hired to work in schools and administrative positions.

All educational employees should attend anti-racism training, focusing on unconscious bias and racism."

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