Hollyweird (Hollywood's) Casting Couch Issue Live Stream

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on January 18, 2024 -

Hollyweird (Hollywood's) Casting Couch Issue Live Stream

Hollywood and the entertainment industry are forever linked with corruption and exploitation.

Here at the Y US?

Channel we discuss the slimy underbelly and issues related to sexual harassment and assault linked to many high profile individuals in the ranks of Hollywood.

People like Jefferey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, and Bill Cosby are the amongst the 1st names we think of regarding the issue.

Many actors/ actresses have come forward in recent years making bold claims about disgusting encounters.

People Like Mel Gibson, Olivia Munn, Elijah Wood, Corey Haim, have spoken out strongly about the Hollywood's strange connection to these activities.

The issues discussed sparked the #Me Too Movement in entertainment industry.

The term Casting Couch has been used to discuss the environment.

The casting couch is a euphemism for the practice of soliciting sexual favors from a job applicant in exchange for employment in the entertainment industry, primarily acting roles.

While the names listed have been confirmed and found guilty, there are many more committing the crimes.

Epstein was the tip of the iceberg, and there many enablers who work behind the scenes to keep this stuff from going public.

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