Sleep Paralysis – Alien Abductions - [DEMONS!] (UFO NEWS LIVE RYUSHIN) see links

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on December 18, 2023 - Duration: 48:24s

Sleep Paralysis – Alien Abductions - [DEMONS!] (UFO NEWS LIVE RYUSHIN) see links

(Note: This is a different perspective into childhood “sleep paralysis” in a topic I previously posted based from my own experiences into this phenomenon.

This alien perspective makes sense to me because I believe actual demons (fallen angels) are using these negative alien interdimensional entities as a host medium and means to enter our physical realm to feed off us humans.

This energy is called “loosh”.

These demons can also possess or enter a human clone or a soul scalped person.

When these demons are in physical form within a human host, loosh energy is generally taken from children as they are traumatized in a ritual called, “smocking”, where they (Satanic Occultists) dress up in distorted animal costumes to terrify and maximize fear in a child to draw this loosh energy or a ritual sacrifice to extract adrenochrome from the victim’s blood.

In my personal childhood sleep paralysis episodes, demons victimize a child by means of a nightmare or perhaps the nightmare is the result of a demon being present near the sleeping child.

Being too terrified to remember specifics of the nightmare, subconsciously and subsequent clues made it a certainty that some kind of creature or creatures were terrifying me during my nightmares as a child where then I would suddenly awaken in a state of total fear paralysis and cold, usually with bed covers totally off the bed.

These creatures manifested within my childhood nightmares is another form of “smocking”.

Whether in a physical satanic smocking ritual or these demons manifesting in horrific creature/monster forms in a nightmare the smocking and extraction of loosh energy is the same thing, all caused by demons.

When you know evil and demons actually exist, it makes it so much easier to believe extra-terrestrials exist, both positive and negative.

I firmly believe that these negative type aliens, biological units (Greys) or these so-called shapeshifting interdimensional reptilians can be possessed by demons.

In other words, demons are behind all of this and these are all examples of them using physical mediums to exist and control our physical realm.

I believe that because the demonic presence is strongest through these physical mediums fear paralysis is used for control and drawing this loosh energy from the victim.

The purest form (loosh) is from a child and these soulless demonic psychopaths will certainly try every opportunity to seek out victims, including using controllable negative aliens to attack our children and us.

In the same way demons are using the controllable elite of this world who sold their souls in all these despicable acts done to children in systematic secret.

The secrets presently being exposed, hidden by the complicit MSM in cahoots with these demonic psychopath elites that want ultimate control over us in their sick NWO/WEF/Illuminati/Commie depopulation agenda and a controllable post-jab human/cyborg 2.0 slave population.

Please see related links below.


Thanks for tolerating another one of my rants.


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