Trailer For 'Civil War' Has CA And TX Fighting On The Same Side, And Makes Journalists The Heroes

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on December 14, 2023 - Duration: 02:23s

Trailer For 'Civil War' Has CA And TX Fighting On The Same Side, And Makes Journalists The Heroes

We've seen a lot of talk on X about an impending "civil war" as red states and blue states seem to get farther apart ideologically and legislatively.

In reality, the closest thing to a civil war we've seen is a debate on "Hannity" between California Gov.

Gavin Newsom and Florida Gov.

Ron DeSantis.

Some screenwriter in Hollywood decided to make a screenplay out of the "civil war" idea.

Not only that, but producers greenlit the idea and hired a crew to actually film it.

We're getting a preview from production company A24, and it's causing a lot of head-scratching.

The trailer refers to the White House issuing warnings to the "Western Forces" of California and Texas and something called "The Florida Alliance." -- This is gonna flop so hard.

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