First Israeli Hostages Released; Speaker Johnson's Based Take on God & America, Good News Updates! 11/24/23

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on November 25, 2023 -

First Israeli Hostages Released; Speaker Johnson's Based Take on God & America, Good News Updates! 11/24/23

Weekly News Report- We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family.

If you didn't, well that stinks.

We invite you to join us for a special Headlines News with Resistance Chicks as we dive into this week's Headline News and also bring some heartwarming stories and Christian heritage to fuel your weekend with some positive vibes!

Coming in as the top story of the week, negotiations have led to the first round of Israeli hostages being released and we also have news coming out of Gaza.

More than 200 Muslim men in Gaza have converted to Christianity after reportedly seeing Jesus in their dreams, said Christian professor Michael Licona.All of that & much more inย This Weekโ€™s Top News Stories!

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