It’s Time To Expose Facebook On Everything

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on November 16, 2023 - Duration: 35:29s

It’s Time To Expose Facebook On Everything

I’m bringing awareness to what Facebook continues to get away with which is the same shit that Twitter got away with and if the government cannot the first amendment then what the fuck does these people think that their interpretation allows them to hinder anyone’s constitutional rights if the government cannot then certainly most not can a fucking basic citizen do it either I don’t give a damn how rich or how poor you are if the government does not have legal rights to neither does any fucking single private citizen, have the right to hinder someone’s constitutional rights it is time that punishments are put and it best not be no slap on the fucking hand this time the reason they slapped him on the hand all the other times is because he has always been a fucking government employee and it’s time that we punish these unconstitutional assholes It’s about time that they get the fuck out of this country because if you don’t stand for America, why should you stand in America I’m sure that there’s foreigners that are more American than this fucking prick or anyone that works for his ass.

Facebook must go and it must go now I don’t give a fuck if we ship it to Palestine or to fucking China xi Jinping can shove Mark Zuckerberg and meta-up his little chink ass

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