Chestnut Movie
Chestnut Movie
Chestnut Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: After graduating college, Annie is the only one of her friends who stayed behind in her small college city of Philadelphia for the summer.
She has a good job lined up in LA come fall and is seemingly ready to take the leap, but things still feel unfinished.
During this aimless in-between period, Annie finds herself entangled with Tyler, a woman she meets at a bar one night, and Danny, Tyler's co-worker... or best friend... or more?
Annie is never quite sure.
Chestnut follows Annie through a summer of self-discovery as all three battle for unrequited connection, ultimately helping her find her voice in desire, independence, and the comfort in change.
US Release Date: 2023 Starring: Chella Man, Danny Ramirez, Natalia Dyer, Rachel Keller Director : Jac Cron