DeSantis Accuses Trump Of Colluding With Big Tech To Suppress Hunter Biden Story

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on July 10, 2023 -

DeSantis Accuses Trump Of Colluding With Big Tech To Suppress Hunter Biden Story

DESANTIS: We will end the weaponization of government.

And that’s, of course, a new FBI director on day one.

That’s a difference between me and Donald Trump, he says the jury’s still out on FBI Director Wray.

I think you need a new start on day one.

We’re going to clean house at the Department of Justice.

And, you know, I look back at, like, the Hunter Biden censorship, which was a huge, huge deal to happen in the 2020 election.

And yet, you know, those were Donald Trump’s own agencies that were colluding with Big Tech.

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