Character Assassination Via Tape + Big Media Turns on Hunter The Death of Debate | Davis, Emmons

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on June 28, 2023 -

Character Assassination Via Tape + Big Media Turns on Hunter The Death of Debate | Davis, Emmons

CNN's Trump audio tape is supposed to be the smoking gun of the federal prosecution.

But if that's the case, why isn't the document it's about part of the DOJ's case?

And if the tape has nothing to do with the charges, isn't CNN simply doing a pre-trial hit job on Trump's character?

Mike Davis and Kash Patel help guest host Andrew unpack things.

Meanwhile, the New York Times and CBS News are giving fresh attention to the Hunter Biden story — could the elite press smell blood in the water?

Plus, James Fishback describes the bizarre world of high school debate, where competitors are openly encouraged to dox and attack each other over years-old social media posts.

The Charlie Kirk Show is LIVE on Salem Radio stations across the country and simulcasting on Real America's Voice.

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