Proud Boys V Patriot Front/Elon Says Cis Is A Slur | The Whiskey Capitalist | 6.26.23

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on June 27, 2023 -

Proud Boys V Patriot Front/Elon Says Cis Is A Slur | The Whiskey Capitalist | 6.26.23

Tonight, we discuss Proud Boys unmasking and beating down the FedBois of Patriot Front in Oregon City, Oregon, about 20 minutes outside of Portland.

Shitlibs still call Proud Boys racist tho, so there’s that.

We also discuss the fact that Elon Musk has defined “Cis” (as in Cisgender) as a slur on Twitter.

The conversation online has heated up and we are here to weigh in on it.

We also have a story about the first elected transgender lawmaker, Stacie Marie Laughton (born as Barry Charles Laughton, Jr.) from New Hampshire, being arrested for allegedly having “disturbing child pornography”.

We also have funnies, fight videos and more!!

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