#86: Law introduction – Evolution of Earthly laws

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on May 6, 2023 - Duration: 02:51s

#86: Law introduction – Evolution of Earthly laws

Earthly laws have evolved alongside humanity for millions of years.

At the beginning, laws were very primitive supporting only the strongest individuals.

We can refer to these laws as ‘the laws of the jungle’.

As humans got more sophisticated, they created laws that started to support that what was right and not only sheer power.

A recent example of this development was when women started to receive the right to vote.

As we are now in the middle of a quantum leap in human consciousness, there is a strong need to accelerate the evolution of Earthly laws to come closer to the higher truths represented by the Universal laws.

In the coming three videos I will talk about three critical areas where the need to improve legislation is particularly strong.

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