Subversion of USA, Destruction of the Church - Episode 12 (Rev 12:13-17)

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on April 2, 2023 - Duration: 39:08s

Subversion of USA, Destruction of the Church - Episode 12 (Rev 12:13-17)

Yuri Bezmenov was a psychological operations expert from k g b in russia and died in 1993.

He defected to the united states in the 1980’s and presented his information to the public.

The truth about subversion operations he presented and the warnings to american society was accurate, since his presentation of briefings that can be found on our channel, the united states is sliding into the danger areas that he warned about.

Here are a few clips from one of his presentations discussing a few topics that affect each other within the subversion action being taking within the united states; those hearing this should be thinking in terms of what is coming for the church, subversion of the church and destroying the foundational teachings of Christianity is a big part of the subversion effort along with using pawns to destabilize the nation such as l g t b q groups, anti fa, anonymous or anyone else who feels like fighting for a cause without much thought or regard for what they are actually fighting for, this also includes groups who consider themselves patriot loving americans.

Here are the clips.

Again, this film was taken in 1980’s, notice how far we’ve come since his presentation, he and the audience were lightheartedly talking about gays being used in the subversion effort and then shot or discarded after their destruction of society was complete.

The society has progressed far within 40 years, it is already taboo to talk in such ways, and its interesting to recognize that the strongest force driving this agenda are the values of society that have become internalized or further cemented through social media.

Russia many years ago said facebook was a c I a operation, maybe they were right.

The l g t b q and trans agenda is in the midst of not only growing and being widely accepted or promoted in America to soon being mandated into ideological structure of government structure, affecting work employment, church status with 5 o 1 c 3 tax exemption, and the large portion of society agreeing with the agenda and turning a blind eye to discrimination taking place against primarily Christian organizations and churches that will be labeled hate groups due to Biblical teachings on marriage and sexual relationships acceptable to God as clearly defined from the beginning of Scripture in the book of genesis.

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