LFA TV 11.17.22 @11am Live From America: SATAN IS WORKING IN THE U.S SENATE!

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on November 17, 2022 - Duration: 01:00s

LFA TV 11.17.22 @11am Live From America: SATAN IS WORKING IN THE U.S SENATE!

Kari Lake's address - A Democracy leads to Tyranny!

We are a Republic - Satan lives in the Senate passing same sex marriage bill - AZ Election may be recounted AND redone - Civil War is looming in Brazil - PA voters file lawsuit to stop certification - McChina has $40 million in the coffers - CNN to do major layoffs in Dec.

- MSNBC Tiffany Cross fired and scorned - TX Attorney charged with giving wife pregnancy ending drug - Global sperm count down 62% since Covid vaccine - FOX news didn't call the House until last night - MAGA won the popular vote in the midterms and that is major progress

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