Kanye West Is Accused of Praising Hitler As JPMorgan Cuts Ties Over Antisemitic Tweets
Kanye West Is Accused of Praising Hitler As JPMorgan Cuts Ties Over Antisemitic Tweets
Kanye West Is Accused of Praising Hitler , As JPMorgan Cuts Ties Over Antisemitic Tweets.
Kanye West Is Accused of Praising Hitler , As JPMorgan Cuts Ties Over Antisemitic Tweets.
'Page Six' reports that Candace Owens, who has reportedly been spending a lot of time with West as of late, took to Twitter on Oct.
12 to address the JPMorgan Chase situation.
'Page Six' reports that Candace Owens, who has reportedly been spending a lot of time with West as of late, took to Twitter on Oct.
12 to address the JPMorgan Chase situation.
The letter reads as follows:.
Dear Ye, We are sending this letter to confirm our recent discussion with [redacted name] that JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A.
(The Bank) has decided to end its banking relation with Yeezy LLC and its affiliated entities, JPMorgan Chase, via letter to Kanye West.
The news comes as West has been suspended from various social media accounts for making antisemitic comments.
His behavior has sparked backlash from people and companies around the world.
But 'Page Six' reports that podcaster Van Lathan claims this isn't the first time West has spoken this way.
I mean, I was taken aback because that type of antisemitic talk is disgusting.
But as far as him, I knew that that was in him because when he came to 'TMZ,' he said that stuff and they took it out of the interview, Van Lathan, podcaster, via 'Page Six'.
Van Lathan went on to allege that in the 2018 'TMZ' interview, West claimed to have "loved Hitler and Nazis.".
The controversial rapper has also made headlines lately for dressing himself and his YZY models in "White Lives Matter" shirts.
'Page Six' reports that sources close to Ye say he is hardly sleeping and experiencing what they believe to be a psychiatric episode.