Mexico Arrests Ex-AG & Cops, Where's Joe? FBI Probs., Adderall Shortage

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on August 20, 2022 - Duration: 55:48s

Mexico Arrests Ex-AG & Cops, Where's Joe? FBI Probs., Adderall Shortage

The Mexican government has arrested ex Attorney General and dozens of police officers in a case where 43 students had disappeared in 2014.

Prosecutors also announced they had issued arrest warrants in the case against 20 army soldiers officers, five local officials, 33 local police officers and 11 state police, as well as 14 gang members.

Governor Hochul orders arrest of sex fiend after New York City sucker punch attack.

The man accused of the crime is on lifelong parole yet still was let go from custody after his charges were downgraded to a misdemeanor.

Judge Reinhart agrees to release the affidavit used for the Mar A Lago raid but much of it will most likely be redacted so the public cannot see it.

NY progressives have produced a bloody war on the streets with their bail reform laws.

Many criminals are being released back onto the streets again and again instead of being denied bail.

Ex FBI agent sentenced in Las Vegas for gambling away government cash, suspect was only given three months sentence.

Joe Biden announces "Unity Summit" after FBI raid of Mar A Lago.


Recruited over 100,000 "digital first responders" to push the establishment Covid narrative.

Adderall supply crunch.

Biden Delaware wall cost approaches 500,000 dollars.

Wayfair to lay off 870 employees.

Berkley Co-op bans white's from "common areas." Wealthy celebrities took PPP loans and most were forgiven.

Why did celebrity businesses take PPP loans that didn't need it?

Why were most of these loans forgiven?

U.S. to send 800 million dollars more in arms to Ukraine.

Where is Joe Biden?

He had no schedule on Friday and will now go on another vacation in Delaware until next Wednesday.

More news.

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