US election: Trump, Biden debate China, Biden calls Chinese leader 'villain' - BBC News

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US election: Trump, Biden debate China, Biden calls Chinese leader 'villain' - BBC News

215,786 views on October 23, 2020, the TV debate of the candidates for the US presidential election.

Trump and Biden had a heated debate on China issues.

China has been a major theme in Trump's re-election campaign, and recent news about Biden's son Hunter has led him to sharpen his focus on China issues.

Trump tried to attack Biden on two fronts.

First, his son Hunterโ€™s emails were suspected to be leaked.

Second, Hunter was accused of doing business with China and Ukraine.

He accused Biden himself of profiting from Hunter's business with China and Ukraine.

"I think you owe the Americans an explanation," Trump told Biden.

"I've never taken a penny from any country," Biden countered.

Biden said that Hunterโ€™s business in China and Ukraine did not involve immoral factors, and Hunter did not profit from the Chinese business.

He also hit back with Trump's tax records and business ties to China.

Trump was accused earlier of opening a bank account in China, potentially paying 50 times more taxes in China than he pays in the United States.

Trump said he intended to do business in China, but the account was closed in 2015.

Biden also called the leaders of North Korea, China and Russia "villains" and that Trump "embraces" them.

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