War Nonsense, Financial Markets, Planting Trees and Lots More

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on March 22, 2022 - Duration: 53:51s

War Nonsense, Financial Markets, Planting Trees and Lots More

We discussed a lot: Federal interest rate hike, printing money, is Bitcoin a hedge?, Congress voted themselves a 21% raise!, importance of owning a home, Zelensky asking the US government for lots more support, Government propaganda, scary headlines, escalation or war rhetoric, etc., Ukraine is yet another excuse for the government and Defense contractors to steal/launder more of the peopleโ€™s money, the size of Ukraine on a map compared to the USA, digging 3โ€™x3โ€™x3โ€™ holes to plant apple trees, Jamesโ€™ leach field situation (septic drain field), Mattโ€™s solar generator, mini-nuclear reactors the size of a school bus,

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