Swabs masks vaccine Covid the story i see

Video Credit: Rumble
Published on January 25, 2022 - Duration: 06:54s

Swabs masks vaccine Covid the story i see

My hair is not the colour you see there but but because luciferace aluminiecents i this is to important that i have to share even though it the last thing i would do show my body as you can clearly see morgellons amd silica producing bacteria has been geneticly modified this i believe wil end in death i will not stop doing the best i can to expose this beem trying since 2016 when the same people who was behind election hacking they hacked me it was why i knew it was not Russia but our own with big tech it wanted to silence me over an idea i had 2005 solar water heater ammonia and gas powered fridge you get in caravan solar power air-conditioning and energy they used sycolojical warfare to mess my head up so i could not know what was real or fake i tried to report it and one night morning early I thought i was emp or poisoned with radiation everything around me was pain i could nor hold a phone my Hart being ripped around my chesy i called an ambulance in hospital i could feel wall sockets metal doors my hand could interact witj screen bluering it as magnetic energy i had was so powerful my hand were like two magnets n n or s s prepelled each other over a meter apart i could not stop swearing going arrr arr f of telling them to f of they put images on phone linkin of boy in hospital bed they put images of cctv outside room even in the room was so painful the phone on charge would increase the pain ten fold i could not get blood test telling them i can't lay on bed i try to painful as metal it only got relief out side but was deemed mental i said i need test for metals ir radiation later they siad we going to give yoy blood clot my adrenaline was pumping hard to fight back not surrender death so it be they told ke they now conning be nice to the nurses they know and bamb they walk in so it all just comes out they did not kmow another stich up sycolojical warfare after was sidated put to sleep wole up in mental hospital again my body so magnetic faruge ill then i look up what makes body magnetic found elctomangntic hypersensitivity i knew it was that all the same syroms but mine i had magnetic energy in me over couple weeks it faided i wemt totally into magnetic spectrum hole new sense changed things i could phone in next room while sleeping etc they were always trying to ser me up could speak to me AI changing my online even sites what i read i comunication was in comment on any site because they hacked me i added them as trusted device in Google that night in hospital i knew how dangerous rhis was and could control the population but not me to an extent they could set me up get me to believe anything but could not make me act towards someone i had final power but this could make any person suicide or go kill thinking they responsqble like the shouting iin usa could be this now it doesn't happen but sick fatigue tinatus been though a lot just want justice in court probe i was telling the truth

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