Eyewitness Video: Maxi brawl in Italian village, carabinieri attacked

Video Credit: Newsvia English
Published on August 7, 2021 - Duration: 01:13s

Eyewitness Video: Maxi brawl in Italian village, carabinieri attacked

Video shows maxi brawl that took place at dawn in an Italian village Marotta on Saturday Aug 7, 2021.

Footage shows two carabinieri are beaten by drunk people with knives in their hands outside the Miu disco in Marotta di Mondolfo disguised as a restaurant that attracts 2 or 3 thousand people until dawn, bypassing the ban on opening dance clubs in Italy.

Local residents said the disco had already been fined three times for violating Covid-19 gatherings rule, closed twice for five days, but as always reopened without problems. And this morning at dawn, with hundreds of people scattered in the street, many drunks, the brawl broke out, with the intervention of a single patrol of carabinieri without particular defenses.

Four young people were arrested by the carabinieri for the maxi brawl with stabbing.

They are two Albanians, including the stabber, a Colombian and a Senegalese.

VIDEO COURTESY: @matthewjumped

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