March Is Caffeine Awareness Month, How Much Is Too Much?
March Is Caffeine Awareness Month, How Much Is Too Much?
So this is a topic that is near and dear to what a lot of people 85% of americans or consuming caffeine on a daily basis.
So very, very common and caffeine could be found mostly in beverages, like 98% of people get their caffeine from beverages.
Um and so i have some examples right here.
But before i go over the examples, i want to tell you about how much is too much.
S o.
The usda guidelines just came out for americans and for the typical healthy american 400 mg per day is the max amount that they recommend that that's consumed s 00.
And they recommend not to have more than 200 mg per sitting.
So you don't want to have that all at one time, so that being said, i have a few examples of some different things, and also in addition to that some people's doctor might recommend they have less, especially with pregnancy and kids and things like that.
But having that knowledge is key.
So i have a few examples right here.
I have some diet coke, which would just represent pretty much any regular soft drink, and then i have black tea.
Have red bull.
I have a chocolate bar and i have coffee out.
Of all of these.
What would you think that would be with the highest.
So you might bring your coffee, stronger or less.
It's hard to know exactly how much but the average cup of eight ounce coffee is about 95 mg of caffeine.
Um now compared to red bull red bulls about 80 mg of caffeine, so it's actually less than that home brew called cup of coffee, and then you have the tea, which is actually the highest among all these.
Which is 100.
And then your brewed coffee at the coffee house is gonna be the highest.
I don't have an example right here.
But it's usually of around 180.
Mg per eight ounce of coffee.
Knowing the amount that we have, and just kind of paying attention to how much and also what time of day.
Are we having that as well so we can get some good