Chinese firefighters rescue cat trapped in air conditioner unit outside 21st-floor window

Video Credit: Newsflare STUDIO
Published on March 11, 2021 - Duration: 00:55s

Chinese firefighters rescue cat trapped in air conditioner unit outside 21st-floor window

Firefighters rescued a cat trapped in an air conditioner unit outside a 21st-floor window in southern China.

Chinese firefighters rescue cat trapped in air conditioner unit outside 21st-floor window

Firefighters rescued a cat trapped in an air conditioner unit outside a 21st-floor window in southern China.

The heroic video, filmed in the city of Chengdu in Sichuan Province on March 6, shows a fireman tied by safety ropes climbing out of the window on the 21st floor.

He is then lowered down to the British shorthair cat trapped inside an air conditioner unit.

After opening the unit, the fireman took the cat out and sent it back into the flat.

According to the cat's owner, it jumped out of the window when the family were having a gathering at home.

The video was provided by local media with permission.

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