‘If not resolved, farmers’ agitation will spread…’: Rahul Gandhi
‘If not resolved, farmers’ agitation will spread…’: Rahul Gandhi
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Friday said the only solution to the farmers' issue was throwing the new agri laws in the "waste paper basket" and warned that if not resolved, the agitation will spread to other parts of the country.
In a no-holds-barred attack at the Centre, Gandhi accused the government of trying to intimidate and discredit the farmers, using the National Investigation Agency.
"It is very obvious that the farmers are very agitated because the government is destroying their livelihood.
It is destroying the livelihood of our laborers and it is going to give the middle class a shock in the coming times because the prices of food are going to skyrocket," the former Congress chief said.
Gandhi asserted that the only solution is repealing these laws and "putting the laws into the waste paper basket".
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