Local dog featured in national competition

Video Credit: WXXV
Published on December 10, 2020 -

Local dog featured in national competition

One South Mississippi pet adoption story is gaining national recognition and now you have the chance to vote for it and help out the animals at the Humane Society of South Mississippi in the process.

Local dog featured in national competition

- one south mississippi pet - adoption story is gaining - national recognition, and now - you have the chance to vote - for it and help out the animals- at the humane society of south- mississippi in the process.

- sylvia hanes adopted her dog- champ the pit bull from h-s-s-m- - - - back in 2012.

- sylvia soon discovered champ's- love of sprinting, which- inspired her to start running - with champ and begin a journey- of health and wellness.

- she entered her story this fall- as part of the petco- foundation's holiday wishes - campaign, and just recently - found out that out of 10,000- submissions, their story has- been selected as a top-50 - winner.

- now, sylvia and champ have the- chance to win more money for- the shelter pets, up to 25- - thousand dollars if they- recieve the most 'people's- choice' votes by december 16th.- - "my two children are from the humane- society, and so it's great to b- able to give back to somebody - who - brought so much joy to me, and- so this is an easy, fun way to- talk about how great it - is to adopt a dog and how to ge- out there and do something that- helps somebody else - while helping yourself."

To vote for champ and sylvia an- learn more on their story,- go to petcofoundation dot org,- slash vote.

- remember the deadline to vote i- december

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