American red cross says its also impacted blood supplies as the holiday approach , the organization says there's a critical need
You can help -- in today's health minute.
:00 :09 paul sullivan, american red cross/"we're very concerned."
The holidays are always hard on blood donations -- but now -- even more.
Paul sullivan, american red cross/"yes, people need to take care of themselves, be safe, be socially distant from one another, but giving blood is an essential activity and we need people to respond now."
Paul sullivan with the american red cross says blood supplies are low -- with more than 100-thousand blood drives cancelled since the pandemic started.
While some have been replaced -- it's been challenging.
Paul sullivan, american red cross/"where we would normally collect blood in terms of schools, places of worship, community centers -- some of those locations are not currently operating or obviously not bringing together the same numbers of people."
Coronavirus convalescent plasma is also now being collected by the red cross -- that's the antibodies from someone recovering from covid-19 -- that can be used to help someone else who's battling it.
Paul sullivan, american red cross/"so, the blood program has only become more