Parents Share Bus Stop Safety Concerns

Video Credit: WEVV
Published on September 24, 2020 -

Parents Share Bus Stop Safety Concerns

Drivers who fail to pay attention and stop for a school bus stop arm can be cited with a Class A Infraction, while drivers who drive around a school bus stop arm on purpose could face a Class A Misdemeanor.

Parents Share Bus Stop Safety Concerns

Students -- still learning from home --- parents say drivers aren't paying attention to those student who are still riding the bus.

44news spoke with one evansville mother who says --- she's been having a tough time --- picking up and dropping off her kids at the school bus stop.

She says --- it's become dangerous --- with drivers ignoring -- the school bus stop arms. "yesterday, my son was right here on this line, about ready to cross, and him and the neighbor boy just about got hit by the two cars that barreled through that sign, as it was already out.

So this is an issue that's been going on, and i know it's not only here, but it's probably all around the city and the state, and everywhere else as well, so it's a concerning issue."

"i think there's just so many distractions, whether you're on your phone, if you're on the radio, or just thinking about other things -- i think people just need to tune into what's going on and pay attention to the roadway."

If you run a school bus stop arm--- depending on which state you get caught in---- you could be charged criminally with fines,--jail time-- even both.

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Parents Express Safety Concerns on Drivers Ignoring School Bus Stop Arms
Video credit: WEVV - Published on September 24, 2020 

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