Rescued baby crows learn to eat ripe berries from the bush during rehab

Video Credit: Rumble Studio
Published on August 29, 2020 - Duration: 00:36s

Rescued baby crows learn to eat ripe berries from the bush during rehab

These are two of the "Fabulous Freds", a family of orphaned baby crows who were rescued by a veterinarian and her family.

They started out as wild crows in a nest high in a tree.

The nest fell and the crows were in trouble.

The owner of the property saw this and tried to put the nest back up high in the branches.

There was no sign of the parents and it was obvious that these crows would need some help.

He called a local veterinarian who told him that the crows were best with their own kind, but that they would not make it through the night on their own.

After watching all day, it was certain that the crow babies were abandoned.

They were brought home and the veterinarian and her kind family took them is as their own.

Birds need to learn many skills from their parents if they are to survive and this family set to work teaching them how to gather food .

Cameron is shown in this video, teaching them how to pick berries from the bush.

Within days of the lesson, they were eating berries like old pros.

They even flew to the neighbours' house and cleaned out Mrs. Hottner's berries completely.

They were taught to find worms as well and they became capable hunters.

After being nursed along for the first summer, the crows began to socialize with local wild crows and they were accepted into a crow family.

They flew south when winter hit and the family was left wondering how they would fare.

Incredibly, at least two still visit and let out a few calls and an occasional "hello".

Spoken like a parrot, their voices are clear and unmistakable.

One of the most intelligent animals known, crows are very capable of speech.

Of all the friendships forged with wild animals by this veterinarian and her family, this was one of the most beautiful.

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