Dr Michael Douglas, Decatur Superintendent

Video Credit: WAAY ABC Huntsville, AL
Published on August 12, 2020 -
Dr Michael Douglas, Decatur Superintendent

Dr Michael Douglas, Decatur Superintendent


As students in madison city schools stay home and online-- a majority of students in decatur city schools will head back to the classroom.

Joining us via zoom this morning is decatur city schools superintendent, dr. michael douglas.

Dr. douglas, thank you for joining us again.

Wait for response -a bit of a wild day for you guys yesterday with handing out devices, you had to pull the plug on the device pickup because of so many families who showed up.

Walk us through what happened if you can.

-34 austin high school students are quarantining after two band members tested positive for coronavirus--- how do you continue to monitor extracurricula r activities now that school will be back in session?

It's got to make contact tracing a little more challenging.

-what are some of your big concerns during the first few weeks?

-the excitement of returning will eventually wear off, how do you fight fatigue with social distancing and masking policies for students and staff?

Decatur city schools superintendent, dr. michael douglas, thank you

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