Corgi puppy goes wild over doorstop at the veterinary hospital

Video Credit: Rumble Studio
Published on August 6, 2020 - Duration: 01:10s

Corgi puppy goes wild over doorstop at the veterinary hospital

Finn is an adorable Corgi puppy who loves all things new and exciting.

He meets the world with enthusiasm every day.

Finn just might be one of the cutest puppies ever.

He's nine months old and he's just had a little surgery at the veterinary clinic.

But five days later, he's back in for his checkup and he's playful and energetic, as usual.

It's actually impressive that he seems so unaffected by his recent procedure.

While his owner, Elizabeth chats with the doctor, Finn discovers the door stop on the wall.

He paws at it, barks at it and jumps around as if it will play with him.

Finn even discovers that he can spring it if he pulls it back and releases it.

His wagging tail and his prancing show his happiness as he plays his new game.

Finn loves to play more than anything.

He loves stuffed toys and things to chase, but most of all, he loves all other dogs.

Finn will run up to any dog without fear and he regularly plays with a German Shepherd, St.

Bernard and a large hound.

Finn genuinely seems to believe that he is a big dog himself.

He was born in Michigan but found his forever home in Peterborough, Ontario, where he lives with a cat that he would love to play with.

The cat, however, doesn't feel quite the same way about Finn yet, but he will probably win her over eventually.

When Finn isn't playing with doorstops and cats, he absolutely loves car rides.

Elizabeth often takes him hiking in the woods and the two of them love exploring together.

And, like most dogs, Finn's stomach dictates much of what he does.

Finn loves all food, especially sausage treats.

Corgis are the small dogs with the big personalities and Finn lives up the reputation.

They make up for their short legs and small stature with their extra big hearts.

You can't help but fall in love with a puppy as happy as Finn.

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