$85.5M being spent to restore Gulf Coast

Video Credit: WXXV
Published on July 1, 2020 -

$85.5M being spent to restore Gulf Coast

Members of the Gulf Coast Restoration Fund Advisory Board spent months reviewing possible projects to financing with $85.5 million in Restore Act money.

$85.5M being spent to restore Gulf Coast

- members of the gulf coast - restoration fund advisory - board spent months reviewing- possible- projects to finance with $85.5- million in restore act- money.... - the funds are to help the - environment and economy - recover after the 2010 deepwate- horizon oil spill.- their final recommendation was- 14 projects they said would - have the biggest economic impac- across south mississippi.

- some of the following funded- items include biloxi's- saenger theatre, university of- southern mississippi's- state port building, a new ymca- at gulfport highlands - neighborhood, the walter- anderson museum, an "aero strip" at stennis airport, and expansion of the gulfport-bilox- international airport.- many of the larger projects the- advisory committee- recommended are for areas

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