Local health officials respond to statewide facial covering mandate

Video Credit: KEZI
Published on July 1, 2020 -
The mandate goes into effect on July 1.

Local health officials respond to statewide facial covering mandate


The 60-day extension of the state of emergency allows governor brown to enforce emergency orders.

But she hasn't ordered any new shutdowns.

We have complete team coverage tonight...as we check in with local communities about how they'll handle the mask requirements.

But we begin with kezi reporter kennedy dendy...who is live in eugene with the latest from lane county public health officials on this new mandate.


Across oregon, wearing a face mask like this one i holding here, in indoor spaces used to be a*choice or even up to the decision of a specific business.

But starting tomorrow, if you step foot into a public space, it will be a requirement.

Governor kate brown made this decision yesterday, saying that the disease has spread at an alarming rate, so this will play a major role in keeping the virus out.

Public health officials in lane county shared today that this requirement by the state*will have positive effects within the county if abided by, as cases have risen, especially in cluster settings.

And here what spokesman jason davis had to say about the plan for*enforcing this new rule within the county.

"our hope is that we can go as far as possible with the voluntary compliance and that the enforcement wont be as much of an issue but certainly we will be communicating out how that will work as we know."

Indoor public spaces where you will need to wear a mask include grocery stores, ride share services, retail stores and recreational facilities.

But the list goes on..

Public health officials did tell me that some accommodations will need to be made for those who are deaf or hard of hearing, and rely on lip-reading.

As well as those with specific medical conditions.

The county is asked to be understanding and respectful to those around them.

Live in eugene, kennedy dendy kezi 9 news.

Continuing our coverage

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