"Squirrel" Startles the Unsuspecting

Video Credit: Viral Hog Content
Published on June 26, 2020 - Duration: 01:05s

"Squirrel" Startles the Unsuspecting

Occurred on June 20, 2020 / Ione, Washington, USA Info from Licensor: 'Squirreling' is our family tradition at our family cabin.

Every time we bring a new person up to the cabin we explain how we have these huge vicious squirrels that live here and sometimes we can catch them.

Later, we get excited and say that we caught one and to come see.

We say weโ€™re going to take it out to show them for a second than when we open the box a squirrel tail flys right at the person.

We have countless videos and hilarious memories from this tradition.

In this video, our friend jumped backward and fell over a metal dog playpen.

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